A Bone-Shaped Dog Name Tag for Ten Years? Even if I Lose it?

We got tired of dog name tags we bought – regardless of the shape or size – fading away, getting lost or, in one case, our dog selling it to buy actual bones…

…so we made a better one. Out of solid brass.

Now Tag That Dog!


Bone-Shaped Solid Brass Dog Tag
Solid Brass Bone-Shaped Dog Name Tag. Good Enough To Eat, But Don't Literally Eat It Please.

A few Ten Year Tags FAQs

47mm in width and 24mm in height.
2mm thick brass of course too.

Good question! This is where most people answer you by starting to quote the outdated Control of Dogs Order. We’ve written a whole page on why this is Order is out dated, not fit for purpose and generally just annoying.

It’s a 1992 law that does not take into account that everyone has a mobile phone and – importantly – every dog is Microchipped with its owner’s information (law since 2016).

At Ten Year Tags we do not point people at the control of dogs order. We know all the dogs we tag are kept under control and properly looked after at all times. We recommend a name – your dog’s name or yours – and a mobile phone number. Especially on a bone shaped dog name tag. 

It’s up to you of course! We’re happy to engrave what you want. Here’s that page about the 1992 Control of Dogs Order.

It’s what it says on the tin. We got tired of having to get a new dog tag every year, sometimes more often, because the previous one had either disappeared or become unreadable. So, as we say above, we decided to make a better one. And guarantee it for Ten Years.

A Catch?

We haven’t got a catch, we’ve a cap, which we need to ensure we stay in business and can ensure the dogs of the world are properly tagged!

We provide three completely free replacements on the basis that our dog name tags are made to last Ten Years. However, we understand dogs and know tags can get lost no matter how hard you try to look after them, so it’s on the basis of losing one every two and a half years we agree to provide up to three additional tags completely free, after which it’s time to buy a new dog name tag. UK orders only for free shipping, overseas we charge a small shipping cost in all instances.

Do you think that’s fair? We’re easy to contact and would love to hear what you think.

Oh go on then. We use Royal Mail and charge £2.99 for First Class* shipping.

*Everything we do is first class here at Ten Year Tags.

Royal Mail says 5 to 7 days for Rest of World and 3 to 5 days for Europe. Sometimes it’s quicker, sometimes slower. Do remember to give us 3 days in the workshop to make your dog name tag by hand too of course.

Here just a few of the amazing countries we’ve already delivered orders to in 2019 (in addition to the UK of course):

Dog Name Tags Delivered to United States of AmericaDog Name Tags Delivered to BelgiumDog Name Tags Delivered to SpainDog Name Tags Delivered to AustraliaDog Name Tags Delivered to CanadaDog Name Tags Delivered to India

Good question. We have ambitious plans for changing this, but – for now – we supply you with a super-strong split ring.

We’re well aware the split ring is a weak link, especially rubbish ones often sent out with dog tags from other places. We have dozens of them here, from falconry to deep sea fishing (TOO strong and a bit too small. Impossible to use without split ring-specific pliers) all tested for strength, usability and sustainability.

The split ring we send out is solid enough to not break should you accidentally attach your lead to it. We’ve tested for this extensively.

However, if your dog is massive and as strong as an ox, he or she probably would break it.

Attaching your lead to the split ring is to be avoided at all costs.

Ours are made by a lovely company in the midlands.

Yes we can engrave dog tags in all fonts

We can engrave in a fair few fonts

Not every font works, but if you have a favoured font, let us know and we will both try it out AND find a near-alternative that we know will work.

We engrave each dog tag to order and hand-finish each one. We’ve strict quality control and if yours isn’t perfect, we do it again until it meets our strict Quality Control.

There’s infilling by hand too, which has to dry.

Please allow FIVE DAYS for us to hand-make and deliver your dog name tag. It could well be with you in less, but we like to underpromise and over-deliver 😉

We take getting your order fulfilled as well and as quickly as possible seriously. We don’t want any un-tagged dogs out there!

Use The Order Now thingy that should be poking out from the side of your device’s screen. If it’s decided not to work today, you can order your dog id tag by clicking right here

Want to get one some other way? I’m afraid we’re not in any shops yet, but are working on this.
